
Yuru Yuri S2 Episode 01 is OUT!!!

July 7, 2012

Plot twist already?!

Sorry for the big delay, folks! Things got a bit hectic this past few days because it was a holiday and polishing the script took a while. It’s just temporary I assure you. We’ll get our act together next week and we will be faster this time!

Imagine that… Yuru Yuri got a second season and after seeing episode 01, it’s definitely going to be bigger than season 1! Will the second season finally going to introduce the rest of the cast? Will Akari make a comeback (whoever she is)? Will the new season be more gay than season 1? Tune in and find out!


17:22 – Kyouko was making a pun on shijimi, a type of clam in Japanese cuisine and sunanuki, meaning de-sand.

17:33 – Kyouko was making a pun of the place Arima Onsen. It’s an onsen in Kita-ku, Kobe, Japan. This Onsen is still a hidden treasure of modern Kobe, behind Mount Rokko. It attracts many Japanese who want tranquility with beautiful natural surroundings and yet easy access from the busy cities in the Kansai metropolitan area including Osaka.

19:36Zettai ryouiki or Absolute Territory is the space between the top of the stockings and the bottom of the skirt. There are multiple levels of zettai ryouiki, all given different grades.


The MKV version of this release will feature two subtitle tracks similar to our Zero no Tsukaima F releases. If honorifics is your thing, switch to the second track. Also if you’re uncomfortable with the translated title of Yuru Yuri, switch to the honorifics subtitle track. There we retained the title “Yuru Yuri”. Speaking of Yuru Yuri…

このアニメの英訳したタイトルがもし気に入らなかったら、ぜひごコメントしてください。しかし、一体なぜこんな風に「ゆるゆり」を英訳したと知りたがっていたら、ちゃんと理由がある。僕たちは「Lazy Lilies」というタイトルがなかなか的確な英訳だと思う。「ゆる」とはだらだらするような意味があって「Lazy」になる。ゆりという花は、ある理由で少女愛の意味が付けられた。それに、娯楽部の部活はただだらだらすることだ。ゆえに、この英語のタイトルが出来たということだ。

Anyways… Enjoy this very good first episode of Yuru Yuri season 2! Please leave a comment and tell us what do you think of our fansub version!


Uichan – TL
Bananawaffles – Editor
Calyrica – QC
SHiN – Timing & Typesetting
Hiroto – Distro




Drop by our IRC channel!


Comments? Suggestions? Violent Reactions? Please tell us!

Thank you for downloading, seed as much as you can!

The jolly crew of SHiN-gx Fansubs


  1. I like it, thanks for your work.

  2. >Multiple subtitle track

    Meh, fine. Just as long as you don’t completely switch to honorific faggotry later on.


    Thanks so much for the episode! THIS IS BOUND TO PUT A SMILE ON MY FACE!


  4. @ McHerp:

    I don’t think you need to worry about that. We’re just trying to be reasonable to both parties. But as you’ll notice, the sans-honorifics track is the default. 😛

  5. I love you, SHiN
    I love you

  6. Indeed ( ̄へ ̄)

  7. Wow. No Ovindel yet. That’s actually shocking…unless he isn’t a YY fan. “Screams of horror ensue”

    Anyway, let us proceed to worshiping the newest disciple of the divine Iono-sama, Akarin! All hail.

  8. You guys do great work I tell ya!
    I knew I would love S2 no matter what, but I just love how things are getting started!
    But Lazy Lilies? HA! I had to laugh at that. A very literal interpretation.
    So of course I had to imagine YY as a cute and innocent show about anthropomorphic flowers!
    Think I’ll stick with the honorifics.

  9. Thanks!

    The font this time conveys a sense of claustrophobia, lol.

  10. @230495687349:

    Uh… Can’t say if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…

  11. “The MKV version of this release will feature two subtitle tracks…”

    Does this imply that there will be some other version in the future, or am I just getting my hopes up?

  12. @zalis116:

    Oh you mean the AVI version? The AVI version (batch torrent only) will use the no honorifics version of the script.

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